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Caesura Collective is about breaking the cycle of competition and isolation in higher ed and blurring the lines of who gets to create and share knowledge.
With this group we encourage our student & teacher members to take ownership of their learning by creatively reflecting on their interests with other thinkers!
We strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process best enjoyed with friends and colleagues who share a passion for questioning, prodding and probing ideas!

Heba Elsherief
Jul 2, 20153 min read
Jane Austen and Dialogical Possibilities
“We are each of an unsocial, taciturn disposition, unwilling to speak, unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room,...

meet-up: August 11, 2015, 11AM-1 PM
Jun 26, 20151 min read
Stat Chat!
We've started exploring the world of quantitative analysis software with SPSS. If you haven't already done so, take a look at the...

meet-up: JULY 21, 2015, Ramsden Park, 5-8PM
Jun 26, 20151 min read
Caesura Collective Potluck
Stuff your face with the contributors, organisers and readers of our think-tank Caesura Collective - become part of the community! Bring...

Sarah El Halwany
Jun 22, 20154 min read
Who is the oppressor?
"If you can hook teens when they're young, you have a customer for a lifetime," said Matt Britton, chief of brand development at Mr....

meet-up: JUNE 29, 10-12PM, Ed Commons
Jun 19, 20151 min read
CAQDAS meet-up!
Interested in learning how to use Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), such as Nvivo, ELAN, HyperResearch,...

Mimi Masson
Jun 19, 20154 min read
What is CAQDAS? Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software Software program to be downloaded on the computer Alternative to...

Mimi Masson
Jun 17, 20151 min read
First Caesura Potluck Picnic PICS!
Yesterday was our first picnic and what a success! We had friends from around the world teachers, parents, students and researchers all...

meet-up: JUNE 25, 2015, Rm M40, 10-12 PM
Jun 16, 20151 min read
Stat Chat!
As we build our confidence in intervals, this week we start to play with SPSS! Yey! We get introduced to the basics of SPSS with Field's...

Heba Elsherief
Jun 12, 20154 min read
What’s the antonym of freewheeling? A Meditation on Language
Sometimes, I’ll start writing something (these days it’s mostly academic papers) without knowing where I’m going with it, without...

meet-up: JUNE 11, 2015, Rm M32, 10-12PM
Jun 7, 20151 min read
Stat Chat!
Wanna build your confidence in statistical analysis? This week in Stat Chat, we discuss z-scores, standardization and confidence...

Mimi Masson & Heba Elsherief
Jun 5, 20151 min read
#2 Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Mimi & Heba discuss the ideas behind Paulo Friere's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, the implications on teaching and how teacher-researchers...

meet-up: JULY 2, 2015, red couches on the 10th fl.
Jun 5, 20151 min read
RAD Book Club
This month we are reading JAMES WERTSCH - VYGOTSKY AND THE SOCIAL FORMATION OF MIND. Join us at the RED COUCHES section on the south side...

meet-up: JUNE 16, 2015, Ramsden Park, 5-8PM
Jun 5, 20151 min read
Caesura Collective Potluck
Mark your calendars! Let's eat, meet and greet! Get to know the Caesura Collective in person. bring some food and drinks to share. Stuff...
Mimi Masson
Jun 5, 20151 min read
The Salts of the Earth screening
We had a wonderful meeting on Paulo Freire's book Pedagogy of the Oppressed yesterday with the RAD Book Club. To continue our discussion...

Lovisa Fung
Jun 2, 20156 min read
Eyes Wide Open, Heart Wide Open
With intention, I have always been someone who is committed to following my vocation. The meaning of self-actualization is the morsel of...

Jun 2, 20154 min read
A question of voice
I was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. On my birth certificate, you can read citizenship: Lebanese. But what does it mean to be...

Mimi Masson & Heba Elsherief
May 27, 20151 min read
#1 bell hooks Teaching to Transgress
Welcome to Read SO Good! A podcast in which we, Heba & Mimi, discuss the books we read in RAD Book Club and the implications of these...

Mimi Masson
May 26, 20152 min read
Two awesome CREFO Presentations!!
Play is the work of childhood: ECE’s colonizing childhood through notions of productive play. Noah Kenneally Promoted by theorists of...

Mimi Masson
May 26, 20151 min read
Who are the Oppressed?
RAD Book Club is reading Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed this month, so of course, I see links to what I'm reading everywhere! I...

Mimi Masson
May 19, 20153 min read
I felt a little introduction was in order to contextualise where Caesura Collective stems from. Creating a website for and by forward...
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