CAQDAS meet-up!

Interested in learning how to use Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), such as Nvivo, ELAN, HyperResearch, Transana? This meet-up group explores how qualitative analysis, informed by our methodological practice will shape the analysis of our data, and how all that relates to our chosen theoretical framework!
Our first meeting will be June 29 from 10AM-12PM at Ed Commons in Lab 1 (the main room on the left when you enter).
If you want to start playing with the software, bring your data (or any textual, audio or video files) that you want to work with (remember to anonymise your data if your methodology calls for it!). You can bring it on a USB, or a cloud storage, such as Dropbox (if it doesn't violate your ethics review!).
To prepare for the meeting, you can check out these resources on the different CAQDAS out there and ponder your analytical needs to find the best fit.
If you have any questions, please email caesuracollective+caqdas @