Podcast musings... Emotions & the Self
Caesura Collective is about breaking the cycle of competition and isolation in higher ed and blurring the lines of who gets to create and share knowledge.
With this group we encourage our student & teacher members to take ownership of their learning by creatively reflecting on their interests with other thinkers!
We strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process best enjoyed with friends and colleagues who share a passion for questioning, prodding and probing ideas!
Setting yourself up to Conducting a solid Literature Review
RAD Book Club Clandinin & Connelly Narrative Inquiry: Experience and story in qualitative resear
#5 Ahmed (2014) Willful Subjects
RAD Book Club Sara Ahmed Willful Subjects
Caesura Collective Potluck
Queer Space Chat for CTEP, MT, grad students and other LGBTI2SQ educators
Muslim Girl Plays Anne Frank: Empathy, Ephemerality, and the Usefulness of Making Strange
Podcast Musings... The Emotions in our Lives
Volunteer 2 hours for Mindfest October 7!
Podcast Musings... Feminist Anthropology & Margaret Mead
To code or not to code?
CELC Symposium
Caesura Collective Potluck
RAD Book Club
#4 Goldstein (2003) Teaching & Learning in a Multilingual School
Imagining the Semiotic Bandwagon that may not be going somewhere… but maybe should be
So you’re doing a Case Study…
#3 Wertsch (1985) Vygotsky & the Social Formation of Mind
RAD Book Club