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Caesura Collective is about breaking the cycle of competition and isolation in higher ed and blurring the lines of who gets to create and share knowledge.
With this group we encourage our student & teacher members to take ownership of their learning by creatively reflecting on their interests with other thinkers!
We strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process best enjoyed with friends and colleagues who share a passion for questioning, prodding and probing ideas!

meet-up: OCT 18, 2016, OISE Nexus Lounge, 6:30-9PM
Sep 22, 20162 min read
Multilingual Education: a Possibility in Ontario?
Ontario Multilingual Education (OME), formerly the Toronto Mandarin Bilingual Education Parent Association (TMBEPA), is hosting a free...

meet-up: SEP 29, 2016, OISE
Sep 2, 20162 min read
RAD Book Club Roseboro (2008) Jacques Lacan & Education: a critical introduction
Our book for September 2016 is an introduction to Jacques Lacan's theory in education by Donyell Roseboro (2008) Jacques Lacan and...

Sarah El Hawany
Jun 29, 20163 min read
Pulling the Strings with Actor Network Theory
“Critical thinking” is a phrase we repeatedly hear when teachers talk about what they are trying to achieve with their students. In...

Shivani Anand
Jun 28, 20164 min read
Rihanna Unleashed: Black Bodies, White Bodies and Empowerment in BBHMM
When acclaimed hip hop artist Rihanna released her music video Bitch better have my money in 2015, the audience response was mostly...

Mimi Masson
Jun 23, 20161 min read
Concluding interview with Rae Song on our Special Writing Series
To conclude our Special Writing Series of Summer 2016, I conducted a brief interview with Rae Song in which I asked her about any...

Rae Song
Jun 23, 20163 min read
Week 12 Sending in your article for review
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Updates on Week 12 It always feels very awkward to start a posting after a long absence, and...

Reva Kyrollos
Jun 22, 20165 min read
La diversité dans l'apprentissage
Pour voir cette carte interactive, cliquer ici. Au Canada, nous sommes tellement chanceux que nous vivons dans un pays aussi tolérant de...

Heba Elsherief
Jun 17, 20165 min read
The Narrator is Alive: On Inquiry and Conscious Reading
“You are a coward,” she said, and with that one word wrote a denunciation, a biography, and a prophecy.” ― Anthony Marra, A Constellation...

Rae Song
Jun 16, 20161 min read
Week 8 & 9 Getting Feedback
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Overview of Week 8 & Week 9 It has been awhile since I last updated the progress on my...

Rae Song
Jun 9, 20162 min read
Week 7 Writing and Revising
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Wrapping up Week 7 This is a long overdue posting. I have decided to focus on writing and...

Rae Song
Jun 2, 20163 min read
Week 6 Strengthening your structure
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Week 6 Day 1 & 2 Outlining a model article This week, we are working on the structure of our...

Rae Song
May 26, 20163 min read
Week 5 Reviewing the Literature
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Week 5 Day 1 Reviewing the Related Literature Finally it is time to work on my literature...

meet-up: AUGUST 11, 2016
May 23, 20162 min read
RAD Book Club Atkinson (2011) Alternative approaches to second language acquisition
Our book for August 2016 is a panoply of key theories in Second Language Acquisition put together by Dwight Atkinson (2011) in...

Rae Song
May 19, 20163 min read
Week 4 Finding a journal
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Week 4 Day 1& 2 Searching for journals This week, we’re finally going to decide on which...

Mimi Masson & Heba Elsherief
May 18, 20161 min read
#10 Bauman (2012) Liquid Modernity
Welcome to Read SO Good! The podcast about foundational texts in language education research. This month we explore Critical Social...

Shakina Rajendram
May 17, 20165 min read
Action Research 102
Definitions of Action Research A form of investigation designed for use by teachers to attempt to solve problems and improve professional...

Rae Song
May 12, 20166 min read
Week 3 Drafting your argument
Reposted from Lost in the Maze of Languages Week 3 Day 1 Advancing your argument The start of a new week! I mean, it is Tuesday but it...

Nandita Dias
May 11, 20163 min read
Alternate Assemblages in Response to Muslim as Terrorist
Thus far, I have focused on Muslims being framed as terrorists. For re-read, check here & here. In this final Plugging In, instead of...

Stacy A. Costa
May 9, 20162 min read
But Really, Why Puzzles and the Brain?
EVENT: Thurs. May 26 7:00 p.m. Bendable Branch 1515 Danforth Rd. (South of McCowan Rd. and Lawrence Ave E.) 416-396-8910 While in our...

Angelica Galante & Yecid Ortega
May 6, 20167 min read
Exploratory Research 101
What is exploratory research? To explore: to study, examine, analyze, or investigate something. More specifically: “become familiar with...
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